No matter how many expenses your landlord takes care of for you under your lease, or bundles into your common area maintenance charges, at least one additional item is unavoidable. A tenant liability policy is a fundamental part of your business liability insurance and serves to protect both you and your landlord, especially if..
If you make a small leasing mistake in an office, it might cost you a little bit of money. Getting the wrong space or the wrong lease terms when you’re a retailer could tank your entire business. After all, you can’t contract out retailing or have salespeople sell from home if you’re a brick-and-mortar retailer…
One of the challenges of starting and growing a business is finding the right space. After you have narrowed your new commercial space down to a few options, for the most part, you have met your due diligence requirements—budget, type, location, and size. Now comes the daunting part—negotiating the lease. Even if the local market favors buyers,..