With a debt deal finally settled and an economy hanging on by a thread, the first plan of action for anyone who owns, leases or invests in property is to decide what to do next. All trends have been pointing toward a positive growth in the commercial real estate sector, but will this continue now..
Whether or not Congress unanimously decides on a plan to raise the debt ceiling, one thing is certain: federal spending needs to be cut substantially over the next decade. The amount of cuts will be based solely on which plan Congress decides to implement (if they ever reach an agreement). But government spending cuts might not produce..
Want to read the whole article? Just go to REoptimizer to get a full list of helpful tips! Searching for your next potential commercial space is intimidating and exhausting — keep these simple steps in mind to make the process a little easier: 1. USE A GUIDE Save yourself time and (some) stress and get..
In the past week, there has been a big push to lower the national deficit… by getting rid of excess federal real estate. Last week, the House subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings & Emergency Management approved a Civil Property Realignment Act and released a map of 14,000 federal properties that could be targeted..