Tag : government

Warning: Fragile Post Offices Will Shatter

Need to send a package? No problem, head over to your local post office and—wait. What happened to it? If you live in an area with more than one post office in a 2-mile radius, beware– your post office could get the boot.  About 3,700 post offices around the country are predicted to shut down..

Debt Deadline Dominates Congressional Debate

So far Congress has rejected the pleas for a temporarily increased debt ceiling, intent on forcing congressional leaders to “come up with a broad agreement . . . in order to avoid a government debt default in August.” However, if a decision isn’t reached soon, a default could have a deafening impact of the US..

Slow and Steady Wins the Economic Recovery Race!

Want to know more? Go to REoptimizer to find out just how slowly our economy is recovering… I’m not sure if you guys know this or not, but we citizens of the United States are kind of in a “rough patch,” economically speaking. Shocking, right? Read the rest of the article at REoptimizer

America: Shattering Debt Ceilings and Dreams

Our country is in debt, have you heard? Actually, we are so financially overdrawn we’ve blasted straight through that glass ceiling of our $14.29 trillion dollar limit 24 days ago and we keep soaring higher. And as it turns out, some people have noticed. Recently, Standard and Poor’s took our “stable” fiscal title and threw..