Here are some of my suggestions for back up programs: Windows computers offer a plethora of third-party programs for relatively cheap. My suggestion for a near enterprise-level backup schemes and security is Acronis True Image. This flexible and powerful program can actually create full, live disk images of your PC so that when the time..
Disaster might rear its ugly head once again in the shape of a second, more devastating recession in the United States. Just when the U.S. started the arduous task of digging themselves out of their financial hole, another tsunami in the form of the “debt deal debacle” came and washed away all their progress. But..
This past decade has produced quite a number of technological innovations, but the one that takes the cake has to be “cloud” computing. The movement toward virtual space storage and away from cumbersome, vulnerable sites dedicated to housing hardware has officially taken hold and the government has jumped on the bandwagon. This year, the federal..
Debt ceiling, deficit, national debt, financial crisis—lately these words have been thrown around carelessly by everyone from congressional leaders to your grandmother. The current situation in the United States has everyone talking, but are they really listening (and understanding) the words they are regurgitating? “Deficit,” “national debt” and “debt ceiling,” have been reeled off so..
Whether or not Congress unanimously decides on a plan to raise the debt ceiling, one thing is certain: federal spending needs to be cut substantially over the next decade. The amount of cuts will be based solely on which plan Congress decides to implement (if they ever reach an agreement). But government spending cuts might not produce..