Tag : CRE Negotiations

New FASB Rules– Part One

Are you ready for the new FASB rules? If you’re like 99% of us, the answer is probably no. But the deadline is fast approaching and we are all running out of time to get organized and prepared. As most of you have probably heard, the new FASB is designed to make companies more transparent—especially..

The Low-Down on CRE Recovery

Commercial real estate continues its positive recovery as the second quarter of 2011 progresses. Though the housing market and stagnant job market continue to burden the economic health, growth is expected to pick up substantially as the second half of the year begins. “The office market posted its fifth consecutive quarter of positive net absorption..

Beware: SEC to Investigate Nontraded REITs

As of late, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has begun to crack down on lucrative REITs that aren’t being traded on the stock exchange. It’s been estimated that REITs have made over $73 billion for investors in the past 10 years, despite the recession and since 1990, SEC has approved around 90 nontraded REITs…

Heartland Project Set to Go

The $4 billion Heartland Town Square project is set to potentially break ground later this year. Developers Gerald and David Wolkoff (father and son) have been preparing for this moment for the past 10 years, dumping over $200 million of their own money into what will be the largest development in Long Island’s history. The..

UFO to Land in Cupertino

Something big just landed in Cupertino. And yes, it’s in the shape of a UFO. That’s right, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, has come up with a rather unique idea for Apple’s new home: a 4-story, UFO-shaped, eco-friendly building made entirely of glass. Curved glass. Around the entire building. The new headquarters will be able..