If you make a small leasing mistake in an office, it might cost you a little bit of money. Getting the wrong space or the wrong lease terms when you’re a retailer could tank your entire business. After all, you can’t contract out retailing or have salespeople sell from home if you’re a brick-and-mortar retailer…
Brookhaven Laboratory announces their planned renovation of two buildings on the 5,300-acre campus, set to begin October 1. The project is estimated to cost a total of $50.8 million, $33 million going solely into the renovation and modernizing of both buildings. The renovations will be funded by the U.S. Department of Engery’s Science Laboratories Infrastructure..
Commercial lending has rebounded quite successfully this quarter, showing an increase tantamount only to the second quarter of 2008. A good sign for those of us in the CRE market, as it shows a steady and growing industry ready to move back into the game. The index recorded a 107% jump from last year’s statistics,..
With a debt deal finally settled and an economy hanging on by a thread, the first plan of action for anyone who owns, leases or invests in property is to decide what to do next. All trends have been pointing toward a positive growth in the commercial real estate sector, but will this continue now..
Whether or not Congress unanimously decides on a plan to raise the debt ceiling, one thing is certain: federal spending needs to be cut substantially over the next decade. The amount of cuts will be based solely on which plan Congress decides to implement (if they ever reach an agreement). But government spending cuts might not produce..