Tag : CRE Industry

Beware: SEC to Investigate Nontraded REITs

As of late, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has begun to crack down on lucrative REITs that aren’t being traded on the stock exchange. It’s been estimated that REITs have made over $73 billion for investors in the past 10 years, despite the recession and since 1990, SEC has approved around 90 nontraded REITs…

#lazyweb– Personalized Answers to Life’s Most Difficult Questions

Ever heard of lazyweb? If you’re not a Twitter user or if you rely solely on search engines to get your information, you probably haven’t. But for those hardcore tweeters out there, lazyweb is just another tool at your disposal for finding answers to questions you’re “too lazy” to search for on Google. It’s been..

Motor Parkway Plaza Embodies ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’

Professionals and supporters alike gathered at yesterday’s grand opening of the new Motor Parkway Plaza in Hauppauge. David Abel, president of United Realty, emotionally expressed his thanks and gratitude to all those who believed in his project, enabling his vision come to life. He said when he first started the project “I did not even..

United Realty of Hauppauge to Unveil “Green” Complex

This Thursday June 30, United Realty of Hauppauge, Long Island is making their big reveal—a 33,000 square foot, completely self-financed “green” plaza off exit 55 on the LIE. The Motor Parkway Plaza will be home to both commercial and retail office space, acovered courtyard, restaurants and a lower-level parking garage. The complex was created using..

New Times, New Workspace

Want to read more? Go to REoptimizer The workspace is changing, and small-business owners are cashing in on the new ways to save money with a trend referred to as “flexible work space.” Read more at REoptimizer   All information gathered from The Street