Tag : CRE Footprint

UFO to Land in Cupertino

Something big just landed in Cupertino. And yes, it’s in the shape of a UFO. That’s right, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, has come up with a rather unique idea for Apple’s new home: a 4-story, UFO-shaped, eco-friendly building made entirely of glass. Curved glass. Around the entire building. The new headquarters will be able..

LEED the Way- Go Green

LEED buildings seem to be springing up all over Long Island and their presence is bringing greater awareness to environmentally friendly techniques and energy conservation for major establishments. LEED stands for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; it’s a company designed to provide their clients with sustainable techniques and tools to make their building..

WTC — Climbing Higher Everyday

The new World Trade Center is under construction– Well, the WTC site is finally seeing some steady action. Construction is underway on two of the four buildings, with Tower 1 leading (68 stories tall) and Tower 4 not far behind (32 stories). The building of Towers 2 and 3 will depend solely on the market..

Canon USA- A Snapshot into their New Digs

Long Island based Canon USA, one of the world’s most well-known and successful companies, celebrated the completion of the first step toward their new headquarters back in May. The last piece of steel—sporting a small evergreen tree in its center— was lifted to the top of the structure after being signed by both Canon’s President..

Reductions in Federal CRE May Change the Game

  In the past week, there has been a big push to lower the national deficit… by getting rid of excess federal real estate.  Last week, the House subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings & Emergency Management approved a Civil Property Realignment Act and released a map of 14,000 federal properties that could be targeted..