Predicting the future of commercial real estate sales transactions is a risky business for anyone, considering the market is only just starting to recover. In this delicate stage, one small factor could send us sliding back into a recession, but for those brave souls who are looking to shed a little light on the forecast..
Feel like you’re paying too much for your utilities? Wish there was a cost-effective way to make your industrial or commercial space more affordable to run? LIPA provides some helpful tips to make running your business cheaper and greener. LIPA’s Commercial Efficiency Program is currently offering rebates to qualifying commercial, industrial and other buildings who..
Here are some of the best applications iPad has to offer for businessmen and women on the go: 1. GoodReader – an app you absolutely cannot afford to be without Essentially an app that allows you to store virtually everything you’ve read, and everything you will ever want to read, on your iPad. It supports everything..