Author : All posts by Dana Haugh

Photosynth- The Panorama App

Photosynth Okay, so usually I do these things in sets of five, but this app deserves an entire article to itself. It’s incredible and free and created by Microsoft (seriously- nice job). This app is a panorama phenomenon. You can capture 360° of your surroundings in ONE PHOTO. It’s really incredible. You know those 360°..

Borrowers Rule, Lenders Drool

Banks are calling out— come take our money! Apparently there is quite a large amount of unused capital sitting in these credit unions, just waiting to be exploited. And you thought we were in a recession? Deficit who? Local industry specialists remark that this abundance of “extra money” is the result of the competitive lending..

America: Shattering Debt Ceilings and Dreams

Our country is in debt, have you heard? Actually, we are so financially overdrawn we’ve blasted straight through that glass ceiling of our $14.29 trillion dollar limit 24 days ago and we keep soaring higher. And as it turns out, some people have noticed. Recently, Standard and Poor’s took our “stable” fiscal title and threw..

$80 Billion Oversight Affects Commercial Banks’ Current Ability to Fund CRE Loans

As commercial real estate market takes a (very) slow turn for the better, its impact on the US economy is thrown into sharp relief— and its effect has been pretty substantial. A reported $80 billion attributed to commercial real estate has been lost (yikes!) to commercial banks and nearly 1,200 of those banks at the..

ING – Sell, Sell, Sell

ING Group completes the $100 million deal of the sale of its US-based private market real estate investment management business to the senior management. This decision, in part, is an attempt for the newly renamed Clarion Partners to return “to our partnership roots” during a “promising” point in the real estate market. Clarion Partners, who’ve..