April 8th, 2014, By

Top Seven Commercial Blogs You Should Be Reading

cre blog, CRE, Commercial real estate
The commercial real estate world is still different from other parts of the broader business world. While media coverage of our industry is increasing, we still don’t get the same ink as other types of investment. One of the best ways to learn about what is happening in the CRE world is to read blogs, many of which are written by people who are actually in the industry. Here are a few that we find valuable:


1. The Real Deal — therealdeal.com

The world’s greatest city is also one of the globe’s most vibrant commercial real estate markets. Whether or not you do business in New York City, what happens in its CRE industry has ripple effects throughout the country and the world, and almost no one does a better job of covering both commercial and major residential deals there than The Real Deal.


2. The Official ICSC Blog — blog.icsc.org

The International Council of Shopping Centers is the advocacy organization for the retail real estate industry. Their blog is filled with infographics, research data and interviews with industry leaders. It also keeps you up-to-date with retail industry events put on by ICSC — like the Las Vegas REcon.


3. Urban Land Magazine — urbanland.uli.org

The Urban Land Institute is the leading advocacy organization for major commercial real estate developers and planners. If you want to know more about the big picture of how real estate development is evolving, this blog is a must-read.


4. The Tenant Advisor — coydavidson.com

Coy might work in a different city and at a different firm, but we know an expert when we see one. If you’d like great information on the commercial real estate industry, solid economic news and a bit of a Texas slant, surf over to this excellent — and frequently updated — blog.


5. PropertyProf Blog — lawprofessors.typepad.com/property

If you’re interested in the legalities underlying CRE ownership and occupancy, this blog should be right up your alley. Covering recent government actions, court decisions and research, the PropertyProf blog discusses how our rights regarding our property are evolving.


6. Commercial Post — commercialpost.com

Technically an aggregator rather than a blog, Commercial Post is still worth checking every day. It pulls articles from major CRE and business media sites and puts them all in one place, making it easy for you to get a quick update on the industry.


7. Duke Long — dukelong.com

If you’ve ever read Duke’s blog, you know why we put it last. Sometimes coming from left field, frequently vulgar, but always interesting, it’s the commercial real estate industry’s most idiosyncratic blog. If you’d like to get an unfiltered view of how one CRE broker thinks and does his business, there’s nothing like it.


We’re too humble to include our ioptimizerealty.com blog in this list, but we appreciate you stopping by to read a bit of it. Do you have other favorite commercial real estate blogs? Let us know below. Thanks!