June 20th, 2011, By

UFO to Land in Cupertino

Something big just landed in Cupertino. And yes, it’s in the shape of a UFO. That’s right, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, has come up with a rather unique idea for Apple’s new home: a 4-story, UFO-shaped, eco-friendly building made entirely of glass. Curved glass. Around the entire building. The new headquarters will be able to house all of its 12,000 current employees under one roof and will generate all of its own energy while surrounding itself (inside its courtyard, as well as the surrounding property) with trees and apricot orchards.

The parking lots will be located underneath the building and off in the distance, providing you with the opportunity to take a nice leisurely stroll through a garden wonderland before heading into your glass bubble. And the circular building will house a presentation room, making it possible for Apple to unveil their products right in their own building instead of traveling to San Francisco.

Of course the Mayor of Cupertino has already shown his support for Jobs’ endeavor- I mean who can turn down a proposition like that? The nicknamed “mothership” will be set on 98 acres of land purchased the previous year by Jobs from Hewlett-Packerd and its expected completion is set for 2015.


All information gathered from iPhone Blog