June 1st, 2011, By

This week’s Top 5 Apps For CRE Execs (that you should already be using)

Here are some of the best applications iPad has to offer for businessmen and women on the go:

1. GoodReader an app you absolutely cannot afford to be without

Essentially an app that allows you to store virtually everything you’ve read, and everything you will ever want to read, on your iPad. It supports everything from .doc, .ppt, .xls to PDF and TXT files. And of course, GoodReader allows you to sync files remotely between your iPad and desktop. You can even store your videos and podcasts on here.

Actually, the file doesn’t even have to be on your iPad, because with a quick tap you can connect to the “Who’s Who” on cloud based storage.

GoodReader is perfect for the the hectic life of a business person who can’t be bothered carrying around heavy documents and books in the hopes they’ll have a spare moment to look them over. So if you want to read, but never have the resources at your disposal, get this app. It will turn your brief moments of respite into enlightening periods of perusal.

Cost: $4.99


2. LogMeIn –  the lifesaver for potential crises

Forgot an important presentation on your desktop? Colleague having trouble accessing certain files or programs on their computer? No problem if you have LogMeIn on your iPad. With this application you can easily tap in and control your Mac or PC anywhere in the world.

You can access your home, office, or any desktop computer right from the portability of your handheld device. Manage, edit, copy, view and update all your files with one touch. You can even transfer files between remote computers and troubleshoot problems for your business or personal affairs, all with the ease of one application.

No more worrying about potential problems while you’re away from the office- the problem can come to you! No longer will you be restricted by the limitations of immovable desktops; LogMeIn offers portability where there once wasn’t.

Cost: $29.99


3. Dropbox –  the free server for all your file storing needs

So, LogMeIn a little too pricey for your taste? Don’t want to be bothered with computer problems when you’re away from the office? No problem. Dropbox offers a virtual storage server for all your documents, pictures and videos and it’s FREE.

All you have to do is install Dropbox on your computer and save your files to your very own Dropbox account and they are automatically accessible to you wherever you go. You can easily save, share and email all your files without the worry of losing your important information due to a computer crash or a forgotten iPad.

Dropbox is the virtual hard-drive you can count on to house all your data, wrapped up in a neat and organized little application.

Cost: FREE



4. Numbers –   Excel your productivity on the go

Numbers allows you to create spreadsheets quickly and effectively in the palm of your hand. The app comes equipped with most features of Excel, including the ability to incorporate tables, charts, graphics and photos all with the ease of an intelligent keyboard.

Smart zoom automatically adjusts the display to whatever you’re working on and readjusts when you’re finished. You can view and edit files from Numbers ’09, Microsoft Excel and CSV and there are 16 preloaded templates and over 250 functions provided to assemble formulas.

Numbers automatically saves your spreadsheet after a change, so there’s no risk of losing important information (I would Dropbox it, just to be safe). And by using MobileMe, iDisk or iTunes File Sharing you can copy, share and upload the spreadsheets directly to your desktop or office computer.

Cost: $9.99



5. Dragon Dictation –   the pocket scribe

The app to prevent accidents. Driving can become a tedious and mind-numbing experience, especially when you’re thinking about all the emails you have to write and ideas you need to remember. Some of us may even attempt the dangerous act of emailing/texting while driving… STOP.

If this sounds familiar, you need this application. Now you can simply press a button on your iPad or iPhone and voilà- you have your own personal secretary to accurately take notes as you reel off all the important facts and groundbreaking ideas you have floating around in your head. Suddenly your morning commute just became more productive!

Save a tree (and other commuters) with this handsfree personal reporter at your service.

Cost: FREE


All information gathered from Apple ©